MDN Web Docs Repositories

MDN Web Docs is a complex project with lots of moving parts. It's a good idea to get familiar with the projects different repositories. This document intends to help you find the different repositories (repos) you may need when contributing to different parts of the MDN Web Docs project.

Repository tiers

Tier 1

Code in these repositories is core to the MDN Web Docs project and runs on Mozilla-owned domains.

A Tier 1 project should have at least 3 members, including at least two with admin permissions.

Tier 2

These repositories are mainly concentrated on supporting content such as code examples, the MDN Web Docs learn area, localization, and examples projects. Examples include:

A Tier 2 project should have at least 2 members, including at least one with admin permissions.

Tier 3

These are repository used for project planning, documenting the project itself, and community engagement. Examples include:

A Tier 3 project needs 1 admin.

Core repos

Code example

Code examples and demos

The MDN Web Docs GitHub org contains a huge number of example repos. These generally contain freestanding code examples that are often linked to from our pages, but occasionally you'll find one of these examples embedded into a page using a macro call like this — {{EmbedGHLiveSample("css-examples/learn/tasks/grid/grid1.html", '100%', 700)}}.

Always remember, if you are updating the code on any given page, you'll need to update the corresponding example repo as well.