
实验性: 这是一项实验性技术

Gamepad API的接口**GamepadPose** 表示 WebVR 的控制者在某个给定时间点的姿势, (包括方向、位置、速率、加速度信息)

这个接口通过 Gamepad.pose (en-US) 属性使用。


GamepadPose.hasOrientation (en-US) 只读

Returns a boolean indicating whether the gamepad is capable of returning orientation information (true) or not (false).

GamepadPose.hasPosition (en-US) 只读

Returns a boolean indicating whether the gamepad is capable of returning position information (true) or not (false).

GamepadPose.position (en-US) 只读

Returns the position of the Gamepad as a 3D vector.

GamepadPose.linearVelocity (en-US) 只读

Returns the linear velocity of the Gamepad, in meters per second.

GamepadPose.linearAcceleration (en-US) 只读

Returns the linear acceleration of the Gamepad, in meters per second per second.

GamepadPose.orientation (en-US) 只读

Returns the orientation of the Gamepad, as a quarternion value.

GamepadPose.angularVelocity (en-US) 只读

Returns the angular velocity of the Gamepad, in radians per second.

GamepadPose.angularAcceleration (en-US) 只读

Returns the angular acceleration of the Gamepad, in meters per second per second.




Gamepad Extensions
# gamepadpose-interface

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also